A deadly business Term 3 week 5
The 2 worrying trends mentioned in the article is that not just aduts or teenagers and women are now getting caught up in this dangerous trade and the another trend is that more singaporeans are being arrested for drug crimes overseas .
b) Why are singaporeans increasely being used as "drug mules" ?
Because Singaporeans do not need a visa for many places , and they are also less likely to be checked because Singapore's reputation for being tough on drugs .
2) What will you do if you find out that one of your friends is selling drugs ?
How will you react if someone tries to sell you drugs ?
If i find out that my classmate is selling drugs . i will advise him that it is not good to deal with drugs and i will encourage him to stop harming his costomers by selling illegal substances that would ultimately harm their health and lives. If my friend is trying to sell me drugs , i will stop him from selling it to me by ignoring his conversation with me . Then i will tell him some negative stuff about selling this illegal substances if he get caught .