Thursday, August 20, 2009

1a) What are the 4 rules for religious harmony ?

The 4 rules are all groups have to exercise tolerance and restraints , keep religion seperate from politics , government must remain secular , maintain the common space that all singaporeans share.

b) In your opinion , how can we maintain a common space in schools?

We could have more activities about different culture so that the students can get to understand more about the religions . School can also involve in community involvement projects which help all ethnic groups open a space of communcation to bring about special relationship and frinedships . This will help different races to bond together and will get along better .

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Home Section Page 1

1a) What was the reason for building the platform doors at the MRT stations?

The reason is to prevent commuters from falling onto the tracks and being hit by trains .

b) Which other countries already have such doors installed at train stations?

Taipei and Paris .

2) What is your opinion of commuters on trains who disregard the rules (no eating/drinking, give up seats for the elderly/ the disabled/ pregnant women etc.) on the train?

My opinion is that stop eating or drinking in the train is for their own good . If they does , they will gradually increase the no of commuters eating in the trains too . This will makes the train look dirty as there are peoples littering in the train after they eat . Giving up seats for the elderly , disabled or pregnant women is like doing a good deed . We should help them as they are much weaker .

Monday, August 3, 2009

Term 3 week 6

Article:"Government acts to curb younger smokers"(pg A1 & A4 )

Q1. What are some measures by the government to curb smoking ?

MOH will be given special stop to sell tobacco product like tobacco gel or candy . Retailer who sell tobacco product to buyer in school uniform will lose it licences - including 1st offence - The current penalty is suspension of the licence for up to six months and for the person who sold the tobacco product , a fine of up to $10 000 .

Q2. How successful do you think these measures would be ?
support your answer with reasons.

It is not very successful even though a pack of cigarette has increase to almost $12 . There are a record of 2.17 billion sticks were sold last year .