Thursday, March 12, 2009

Article: “NTU Death Fall” – ‘HOME’ Section (Pg B6)

Question 1:
What were some indications which showed that the victim was facing problems before he committed the rash act?
he could be having stress in his studies . As he may not be able to cope in his studies as because different countries study different things and therefore in Singapore , English is the main language for studies . He could also worried about his parents , as because his parents was not whith him during his study in Singapore . Which cause him to be very stressful , as he does not have a close friends or relative around in Singapore . So maybe he was too stressed and he thought that ending his life was the best way to solve it .

Question 2:
(a) Is it very stressful being a student in Singapore? Explain.

Yes it is stressful to study in Singapore . Because every students study in Singapore is compulsory to have a CCA . which is usually held after school . So it maybe very stress ..

(b) What are some problems you face as a student which adds to your stress level?

There are too many subjects to study for secondary life . which may face some problems to some students .


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